In Excel, AutoFill is one way to quickly insert data into cells. Excel allows you to use AutoFill with various sequences to fill a range. The following articles explain the different ways to use AutoFill in Excel and how you can change its default settings, if desired.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'AutoFill' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
AutoFill Won't Work as Expected
AutoFill is a great tool for filling cells with data. What do you do when it doesn't work like you expect, however? Here's some ideas to examine.
AutoFilling from a Custom List
AutoFill can be a real timesaver if you often work with set lists of data. You can define your own custom lists and then use them over and over again, as described here.
AutoFilling with the Alphabet
If you need to fill a number of cells with a specific sequence of characters (such as the alphabet), there are several ways you can do it. This tip examines several such ways, in the context of creating word search puzzles.
AutoFilling with Weekdays
Need to fill a range of cells with the days of the week? Excel makes it easy to do so using AutoFill.
Fast AutoFill
Want to fill a long column with predictive data? It's easy to do by using AutoFill and a double-click of the mouse.
Quick AutoFill Variations
The AutoFill feature can be used for more than just incrementing information into cells. This tip explains how to access the variations of AutoFill.
Skipping Rows when Filling
Using the fill handle is a great way to quickly fill a range of cells with values. Sometimes, however, the way to fill cells with what you want may not be immediately clear. What if you want to fill a range of cells but skip every other cell, leaving it blank?
Turning Off AutoFill
AutoFill can be a great timesaver when adding information to a worksheet. Even so, some users may not want the feature to be available, so Excel provides a way to turn it off.