Cool and Warm, In the Same Day

In our corner of the world right now, we are experiencing cool (some would say "chilly") nights and warm days. This makes for great weather for outdoor activities and working in the yard. I know that I've been enjoying it that way, at least.

I hope that your September is going well and that you enjoy the tips in this week's issue of the newsletter.


ExcelTips (menu) for 7 September 2024

Spell-Checking in a Protected Worksheet

When you protect a worksheet, you can't use some tools, including the spell-checker. If you want to use it, you must unprotect the worksheet, run the check, and then protect it again. All of this can be done quite quickly by using the macros discussed in this tip.

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Cell formatting
Adjusting Cell Margins for More White Space

Is the information in your cells too jammed up? Here are some ways you can add some white space around that information so it is more readable.

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ExcelTips at Your Fingertips

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Powerful spreadsheets
Weighted Averages in a PivotTable

PivotTables are used to boil down huge data sets into something you can more easily understand. They are very good simple aggregations, such as sums, counts, and averages. They can't do weighted averages, however. That doesn't mean you are out of luck; you can still calculate weighted averages using the ideas in this tip.

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Powerful spreadsheets
Saving Non-Existent Changes

Open a workbook, look at the data, start to close the workbook, and you are asked if you want to save your changes. What gives? You made no changes, right? Here's why you see that message even if you made no overt changes to your data.

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