Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated August 6, 2022)
This tip applies to Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003
Excel allows you to protect individual worksheets, as you have learned in other issues of ExcelTips. (You choose Tools | Protection | Protect Sheet.) You can use this approach to protect individual worksheets independently, using different passwords. This means that one user could make changes to one worksheet using one password, and another could use a different password to make changes to the other worksheet.
What if you want to limit access to the worksheets entirely, however? What if you don't even want an unauthorized user to see the other worksheet? This need is a bit trickier to accommodate, but it can be done. The basic approach would be as follows:
Steps 1, 2, and 5 are easy enough to do, and have been covered in other issues of ExcelTips. The crux of this approach, however, is steps 3 and 4. You can create a user form by following these steps:
With your user form created you are ready to associate macro code with the controls you just placed. Make sure the user form is selected and press F7 to display the Code window for the form. The window may contain a line or two of automatically generated code. Replace this with the following code:
Dim bOK2Use As Boolean Private Sub btnOK_Click() Dim bError As Boolean Dim sSName As String Dim p As DocumentProperty Dim bSetIt As Boolean bOK2Use = False bError = True If Len(txtUser.Text) > 0 And Len(txtPass.Text) > 0 Then bError = False Select Case txtUser.Text Case "user1" sSName = "u1sheet" If txtPass.Text <> "u1pass" Then bError = True Case "user2" sSName = "u2sheet" If txtPass.Text <> "u2pass" Then bError = True Case Else bError = True End Select End If If bError Then MsgBox "Invalid User Name or Password" Else 'Set document property bSetIt = False For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties If p.Name = "auth" Then p.Value = sSName bSetIt = True Exit For End If Next p If Not bSetIt Then ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _ Name:="auth", LinkToContent:=False, _ Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:=sSName End If Sheets(sSName).Visible = True Sheets(sSName).Unprotect (txtPass.Text) Sheets(sSName).Activate bOK2Use = True Unload UserForm1 End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() If Not bOK2Use Then ActiveWorkbook.Close (False) End If End Sub
The above code does several things. Notice that there are two procedures: a longer one that runs when the user clicks on the OK button in the form, and another that runs when the form is terminated. When the user clicks on the OK button, the procedure checks to make sure that the combination of the user name and password is correct. If it is not, then the user is notified. If it is, then the authorized sheet name is stored in a document variable and the appropriate sheet is displayed and unprotected.
If you want to change the acceptable user names, sheet names, and passwords, you can do so by making the desired changes in the Select Case structure near the top of this macro code.
The second macro in this code (UserForm_Terminate) comes into play if the user tries to simply dismiss your form without entering a user name and password. In this instance, if the authorization process was not previously completed, then the workbook is simply closed.
In addition to the above code, you will also need to add the following macros to the workbook itself. These open the user form when the workbook is opened, and protect the worksheet when the workbook is closed.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim w As Worksheet Dim bSaveIt As Boolean bSaveIt = False For Each w In Worksheets If w.Visible Then Select Case w.Name Case "u1sheet" w.Protect ("u1pass") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True Case "u2sheet" w.Protect ("u2pass") w.Visible = False bSaveIt = True End Select End If Next w If bSaveIt Then ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("auth").Delete ActiveWorkbook.Save End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() UserForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If Sh.Name <> "Main" Then If Sh.Name <> ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("auth").Value Then Sh.Visible = False MsgBox "You don't have authorization to view that sheet!" End If End If End Sub
When the user chooses to close the workbook--they are done with their work--the applicable worksheets are again protected and hidden. (If you change user sheet names and passwords, you will need to change them in the Select Case structure here, as well.) The macro then deletes the appropriate document property and saves the workbook.
Another interesting macro here is the Workbook_SheetActivate procedure. This is included in case where one user tries to use Format | Sheet | Unhide to unhide another user's worksheet. In this case, the user's authorized sheet name (stored in a document variable when the user was originally authorized) is compared to the sheet being displayed. If it doesn't match, then the user isn't allowed to view the worksheet. Note, as well, that this procedure references a worksheet called "Main". This worksheet is the third worksheet mentioned at the beginning of this tip. This worksheet is also the one first displayed when the workbook is opened.
ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (1952) applies to Microsoft Excel 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003.
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2024-01-25 00:22:42
I am new to vba. Please help me out, I don't know where to put the code "Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim w As Worksheet
Dim bSaveIt As Boolean..."
I put it in module1 of Thisworkbook but it didn't work.
Thank you so much!
2023-02-26 06:34:53
I am new to VBA. Tried to use this code in Excel 2016. However, cant seem to run the code upon opening excel? Where did i do wrong? And yes, i need a Super user to view all sheet. Please help.
2023-02-22 09:33:17
Love this tutorial and solution for protecting individual worksheets by user, however I am currently having an issue not being able to change usernames and passwords :(
When i originally set up the workbook i built in spares for future use; User - Spare1 with password - Spare1 for example then when a new user has to be assigned i thought i could just rename, User - Spare1 to User - Barry, password - Spare1 to password - N32)yb for example.
Changing these details within the Select Case structure in both the user form and the workbook result in an error code 1004 saying that username or password is in correct make sure caps lock is on/off.
Any thoughts on what is going on here please?
2022-12-29 12:44:03
Would this work for Excel 2019? If not, is there an alternative?
2022-12-14 11:58:55
@Julien checkout my version at https://www.buzzworks.co.uk/ProtectingWorksheetsbyUser.xlsm it doesn't use forms so may work better on a MAC but I haven't tested it.
@Kinjal my version of this has a user sheet which can make any user an "admin" user who can access all worksheets, and indivial normal users can be allowed ot access as many sheets as you the admininster wants to allow (on a per user basis). Email me for usernames and passwords.
2022-12-13 07:44:54
Kinjal Doshi
This is helpful where different users who are viewing my file, won't be able to see other sheets.. but after adding this macro.. I have to add username and password to unlock each sheet. Can we add a code for Super User ...i.e. me... who has rights to view all the pages? and don't have to enter password for each users?
2022-10-18 18:06:39
How about Mac users? We don't seem to have the "user form" option in the VBA editor insert choices; is there a way to go around that limitation?
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