April Showers and May Flowers

There's an old saying that "April showers bring May flowers." That may be true in some areas of the world, but definitely not in all areas. (Do those in the Southern Hemisphere even know what this old saying means?) It certainly isn't immediately true in our area, and at our altitude. Yes, we've been having some Spring showers for the past week, but we are still a good ways off from having flowers. The grass is just starting to grow, and the trees have yet to leaf yet.

Even so, it is nice that we are finally past most of the snow and that we can look forward to warmer days ahead. I hope that your corner of the world is cozy and comfortable and that you enjoy the tips in this week's newsletter.


ExcelTips (menu) for 27 April 2024

Powerful spreadsheets
Understanding Functions in Macros

Functions are a common programming construct. They help you to create easy ways of processing information and returning a value. Here's how to create your own functions.

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Powerful spreadsheets
Moving Cells Using the Mouse

Want to easily move information from one cell to another? A quick way to do it is to simply drag and drop using the mouse.

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Enhance Your Excel Skills with Macros

Macros are a great way to increase your productivity with Excel by making the program work the way you want it to work. Discover the true power behind macros; ExcelTips: The Macros puts almost 800 pages of macro-focused information at your fingertips. Discover more...

Data Validation
Stopping Validated Data from being Overwritten

Data Validation is a great tool to make sure that data entered in a cell meets whatever criteria you decide. Its weakness, however, is that people can paste information that overwrites any Data Validation rules. This tip looks at a way you can try to overcome this problem.

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(Thanks to Terry Bradshaw and Jacques Raubenheimer for contributing to this tip.)

Powerful spreadsheets
Returning Blanks with VLOOKUP

Normally the VLOOKUP function returns a value, and if it can't return a value it returns a zero. Here's how you can use the function within a formula to be more discriminating in what is returned.

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