Protecting Workbooks
Sometimes the data in your workbooks contain important information that you may not want others to edit or delete. The following articles explain how to protect your Excel files from that and more with Excel's protection features.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Protecting Workbooks' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Automatically Protecting After Input
Do you want user-entered data to be immediately protected so that it cannot be changed? This can be done relatively easily using a simple macro.
Protecting an Entire Folder of Workbooks
Want to protect the Excel information stored in a particular folder on your system? There are a number of ways you can approach the task, as described in this tip.
Protecting an Entire Workbook
Want to stop other people from making unauthorized changes to your workbook? Excel provides a way that you can protect the workbook, as described in this tip.
Saving a Workbook Using Passwords
One of the security features built-in to Excel is the ability to save a workbook using a password that limits access to the information in the workbook. You can do this by using some of the features of the Save As dialog box, described in this tip.
Using Macros in Protected Workbooks
Having problems with using macros in a protected workbook? There could be any number of causes (and solutions) as described in this tip.
Visually Showing a Protection Status
Need to know if a worksheet or workbook is currently protected? Excel provides some tell-tale signs, but here are some ways you can know for sure.